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Candidate Report Card

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Something that all firearms owners in the Sate of Delaware should be aware of is that according to the NRA and the GOA there are NO Democrat candidates running in the General Election come November 6th that even have a passing grade from them. The only candidates that have a passing grade for being pro-firearms and 2nd Amendment Rights are Republicans.
So from this I will deduct that voting Democrat is the same as throwing your guns and gun rights in the Delaware Bay, because there are no Democrats that will stand up for you when it comes to Constitutional Right to Bear Arms in Delaware.

Good to know. My wife and I were just discussing the possibility of split ticket voting.  I’m just going to look funny walking into the polls with a clothes pin on my nose.  But I seem to always place the 2nd A. at the top of my priorities list.

Just Bill:
Since I am very upset with the current one party system in Delaware and New Castle co., I would never vote Dem.  In fact, I have only voted for one dem(dave Brady-good guy) since slick willy, and he was local and lost his primary.

I would actually trust the NRA "system" much more if they didn't give passing grades to Republicans simply because they are republicans.  Case in point- Romney.  Man has actually voted anti-gun consistently and yet gets a passing grade.  The NRA disgraces itself acting in this manner.

I would recommend you check out the NRA "system" you refer to, and you will see that they grade candidates only on their 2nd Amendment stance, their questionaire, and record. They are not interested in any other political platforms or subjects other than 2nd Amendment Rights. There is also a grading system by The Gun Owners Of Americs (GOA), the second largest firearms advocate group. Grading runs fairly consistant.
For gun owners, Democratic candidates usually run poor grades, as so many are part of the anti-gun lobby. They feel that they know better than you about the right to bare arms and self protection, and want to take that Constitutional Right away from you and  me. That cannot be allowed to happen. It happened to the Jews in Europe many years ago and they were rounded up by the millions and killed, because they had no self-defense. Historical fact.
As I under stand it, there are already things in place by the Obama Administration, if he wins a second term, to move to remove firearms from private citizens. They do not believe in the right to bare arms by private citizens. Only police and military. Sounds like Hitler to me.


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