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Candidate Report Card

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formerly known as frank:
Bmel constantly posts this type of rhetoric on the Deloc site. I have posted reports from Buckeye firearms and the Massachusetts gun owner's assoc., who have given Romney good marks, on the Deloc site. He seems to ignore them, still making his claims about Romney, inspite on the facts. The Mass. gun owners know Romney better than anyone; give him high praise for supporting gun owner's rights.

Sturm, I should have known better than to reply with a fact to your post.  The NRA babble is bull to me.  I do not see any consistent ratings based on candidate votes.  To compare this to Europe and the jews is s stretch.  As you understand it, please post factual links to prove Obama is setting us up for a holocaust that will kill gun owners.  I would love to see them.


--- Quote from: frank on October 29, 2012, 03:02:22 PM ---Bmel constantly posts this type of rhetoric on the Deloc site. I have posted reports from Buckeye firearms and the Massachusetts gun owner's assoc., who have given Romney good marks, on the Deloc site. He seems to ignore them, still making his claims about Romney, inspite on the facts. The Mass. gun owners know Romney better than anyone; give him high praise for supporting gun owner's rights.

--- End quote ---

So all the others on Deloc that believe Romney sold out gun owners in Mass. and the proof that he ACTUALLY voted that way should be ignored Frank?  The Mass gun owners traded in more rights for easement on other rights????? How the f*** do you consider that a good deal Frank?  Erode at it the way you guys think Obama is going to. Only difference is- ROMNEY ACTUALLY DID IT.   You have two "facts" from fringe elements.  Good job! I'll make sure I trust the guys who trust the shitty candidate and believe them.  "If it's on the internet, it must be true"- Julius Ceaser 

PS-  Just because I despise Romney and his voting record does not mean I am an Obama supporter.  I would vote for him over Romney given only the choice of the 2 though, but thank god it's America and I can vote for my principals and go 3rd party.

Bmel17 thinks if he keeps spouting the Obama retoric long and loud enough, people will believe it. I'll stick with my guns and Bible and the good ol' NRA. I some how believe most people will agree with that. If you think Obama will not knife you in the back, I've got some swamp land to sell you or I can get you a good price on the Delaware Memorial Bridge.

 Go ahead and vote however you feel sturm, I'm not trying or going to convince you otherwise, nor do I care.  I am simply pointing out a fact that romney HAS actually been worse for gun owners than obama.  If you and Frank want to ignore the facts, go right ahead and keep those blinders on! cling on buddy and good luck


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