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Gun Geo Marker App


I saw this on an NRA Alert. It's an app that lets anyone Geo Mark a location as "dangerous", ie guns and gun owners. I downloaded it to see what it was about. The developer is listed as "UCSD" (University of California San Diego? I'm guessing here). Anyone can mark a location for the whole world to see. You need to be physically at the location (GPS enabled) and you can only mark one location a day.

I checked my house, I'm not on there yet. If someone does mark my house, I intend to mark every house on my street. It'll take several days, but I'll do it anyway. Keep your eyes open for neighbors standing in front of your home or business typing on their phone!

We can render this thing useless by "spamming" it with bogus locations.

What is the name of the App?


This is the article...

Just downloaded the app to take a look. In my area, there is a neighborhood flagged simply for "gun talk." This app is bogus and unchecked for so many reasons.

I only have an iPhone and I did not see it in the App Store.


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