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TV Alert - If I Only Had a Gun

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20/20 is going to air a segment Friday night titled "If I Only Had a Gun."  From seeing the early on-air advertisements I thought that this might be a somewhat balanced report.  Then I visited the ABC web site.  The show will be hosted by Dianne Sawyer, not a good sign.  If you follow the show's link on their site, it goes to a story about the recent mass killings , how easy it is for people to get guns and talks about the "gunshow Loophole."  I am not holdilng my breath about this being balanced. I hope I am wrong.

Smok'em if you got'em!  Oh.. I mean uh...   BUY THEM WHILE YOU CAN! 

Shows like this chap my @@@.  First, we've made getting a gun about as safe and as difficult as we can for the average joe without becoming a communist country!  I hope they inteview people who were involved in mass killings (the survivors). I wonder how many of them wish THEY had a gun that day or that one of their co-workers had a gun that day.  ugh.  I'm sure that Diane will make sure this is very one sided or at least the producers will. 

Seems like my montly savings keeps making a detour to Dan Lindbergh!  :) 


I'm selling KY for anyone watching the show.  ;D

Just finished watching this piece of crap of a show.  Not one single reference to a firearm actually saving someone.  The message I got from this show is that it is morally superior to give up and submit to being a victim than to actually try to defend yourself.   The problem is not with guns, it is the corroding of our moral compass.  The assault on “traditional values” coupled with the glorified violence seen in movies, TV shows, music videos, rap and heavy metal lyrics and video games is leading to the moral destruction or our society.  ABC, which aired this show, had two commercials for their own shows (Castle and The Usuals) during this program which showed the “good guys” bursting onto the scene with guns drawn.   I guess ABC is trying to say guns are bad unless it is for their own ratings.  The segment I thought was particularly problematic was when the set up the college students in a no win situation, in an unrealistic scenario against trained professionals and used the results to demonstrate why it is pointless for you or I to even want to try to defend ourselves.  I knew this program was going to be slanted; I just did not expect it to this degree.  The sad part is that Dianne Sawyer and ABC probably think that they did the public a service when all they did was a one-sided hatchet job on a serious topic that needed a fair and balanced discussion.

I figured enough and won't waste my time watching it.


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