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Another "Gun Free Zone" Shooting


Another "Gun Free Zone" shooting.  It is good to know that society keeps insisting on making these areas safe for the gunmen so that they know they can shoot people without fear of anyone shooting back.

When are people going to learn there is no such thing as a gun free zone.

Oh yes there is, Sig!  and the criminals are all going to turn their guns in, and the one who havent been prohibited yet will register their guns and their ammo when the bill passes.  :)  Yeah..  Im just messing. 

Its no different than the bills they are trying to pass (in DE) regarding "puppy mills" that are going to have NO affect on the puppy mills but will affect just about every dog owner in the state...  (this might be NCCo only.. I'll have to check). 

The people who have ill intentions or disregard for doing what's right / the law will continue to do those things regardless of what the state or county (or country) says.  The people who do follow the laws and do what's right pay the price and the bad guys still get away with murder. 

:)  Welcome to America. 



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