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Before you buy your next bud light know who you are giving money to


poster formerly know as Silverbullet:

Busch gives up his NRA membership and thinks mag and assault weapons bans are reasonalbe.

I know the family had the brand bought, but I thinking drinking a coors light or Miller light would also make a statement, Plus Obama drinks bud light.

Each his own though. I just thought it was an intresting article when I saw it on another site.

This gem will fly right over the heads of the low information populous.  As a home brewer with family in the micro brew business at one time there is a little known secret about Budweiser beer.  Here’s a hint:  Anheuser Busch is either the first or second largest consumer of rice in the U.S.

So they are making Saki? Ha.
Adolphus should have more sense. Alcohol could be next on Obama"s ban list.


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