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Man shot by WA police while legally carrying a gun


poster formerly know as Silverbullet:

Thought it was a good story, basically a guy was carrying a rifle on a saturday and was around a school. Cops shows up and he ended up shot but not killed. Details are still coming.

Now I know there is a whole oc/cc debate. That is not the point here. The point is if the guy was doing nothing wrong once again he have gestapo tactics against our freedoms.

"Police admit he didn't aim or point the gun at them". Then why did they shoot him??  Poor judgement on the polices side.

poster formerly know as Silverbullet:

--- Quote from: Newlife503 on September 10, 2013, 07:19:50 PM ---"Police admit he didn't aim or point the gun at them". Then why did they shoot him??  Poor judgement on the polices side.

--- End quote ---

I am sure the cops figured he was "one of those  sovereign citizen, militia, right wing, pro-second amendment nut jobs"

This is the crap we are up against just by wanting to exercise our rights. Was OC of a long arm a good idea?  No, but there are many things that are not good ideas that are done that are perfectly legal


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