CCW Methods & Issues > General CCW Discussion

Exactly what does our DECCW exempt us from?

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I've gone to Ommenlanden with 'banned weapons' and they don't give two shits.  Just have the bolt to the rear and no steel ammo and they are good.  To be honest, I've been told the cops don't care and the ranges dont' care.  Nobody cares but these @@@ hat politicians. 

That's good to know.  I was worried that since omie is state-run they might have briefed their employees and deputized them to snitch


--- Quote from: 8thFA on February 01, 2023, 01:57:16 AM ---I've gone to Ommenlanden with 'banned weapons' and they don't give two shits.  Just have the bolt to the rear and no steel ammo and they are good.  To be honest, I've been told the cops don't care and the ranges dont' care.  Nobody cares but these @@@ hat politicians.

--- End quote ---
The problem with that is although MOST cops are decent rational human beings there exists a small subset of woke hotshots who would like nothing more than to bust you down so they can go home and brag off to their significant other that they stopped a potential mass shooter.


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