State News & Gun News > Delaware News

SB2 Maryland-style “handgun qualified purchase card”

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Seriously?  seems like we can't make up our minds whether we want to be California, or Maryland! 
Political low-information vote grovelling weasels.


“A person has the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of self, family, home and state, and for hunting and recreational use.”

I'm still mad about possibly not being able to go anywhere in Maryland barely a year after getting my Maryland wear and carry.  Might as well have not gotten the permit at all.  If these things pass I guess I won't be giving Maryland my money when renewal pops up

These things need to be challenged before the State and US Supreme Courts.

Just Bill:
This is the normal path of the communist left.  Forget the Constitution, they will have to wait years and pay millions to change it.  Delaware legislators said their actions were not Constitutional, but we know the results.  Years and millions.  With New Castle Co, they have nothing to fear, and they are making inroads in Kent.


--- Quote from: SturmRugerSR9 on April 21, 2023, 11:11:26 PM ---These things need to be challenged before the State and US Supreme Courts.

--- End quote ---
You are 100% CORRECT SR!

Now, please share what YOU have done to help in the fight??


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