State News & Gun News > Delaware News

SB-201 and SB-202

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Gov. Carney;

I'm afraid you have just signed into law a virtual Poster of the locations of places that the deranged criminal has a better chance of killing innocents due to the law abiding citizens supposedly de-armed and not legally able to defend same in a like manner.

It's ironic that most Democrats want less law enforcement, yet expect them to enhance public areas like schools, polling places etc.  It's also Ironic that the same Law Enforcement are mostly on the side of the lawfully armed citizen, and not Democrat gun grabbers, because we support them.

If your goal is to disarm the public, then you are not an American in my book.

Simon Sharp, Greenwood

Just Bill:
Another valuable statement that will go unanswered.

I emailed that to Gov Carney, and I expect a form letter in return (in about 2 months)
Wouldn't it be nice for him to come on this forum and 'splain himself!!

Can they even name one instance where a person with a concealed carry permit issued by Delaware committed a felony on school property? The concealed carry community has a reputation for being law abiding citizens and statistically commits less crime than police officers. This is a non issue that only delays the response should an attack occur and does nothing to actually deter criminal behavior or protect children.

Just Bill:
I'll go a step further, name one felony.  There may be one but doubtful, unless it was pointing firearm at a bad guy.


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