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Texas Church Shooting Stopped by Armed Citizen

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I eard that the armed citizen is a former NRA Instructor who ran, barefoot, with his rifle to stop the attack and prevent the shooter from getting away.  The shooter had 3 gunshot wounds; one of which was self-inflicted.  The armed citizen hit him two times.

Here is more information on the shooting.

The article states that 15 empty 30-round magazines were found at the scene (total 450 rounds).

Edit: corrected link

Here is a thought:

If some of the gun control laws that the Democrats are pushing (no "assault weapons", small mag capacities, etc.) then the "armed citizen" might not have been armed and the shooter would have been able to continue his rampage, kill more people  and get away without being caught.

True to form, Uncle Joe "Pew Pew" Biden said that Stephen Willeford, who shot the Texas church shooter, shouldn't have had an AR-15.
“Well, first all,” Biden replied without hesitation, “the kind of gun being carried, he shouldn’t be carrying.”
Yet Willeford himself has stressed that the type of firearm he used was a key factor in stopping the threat. “If I had run out of the house with a pistol and faced a bulletproof vest and kevlar and helmets,” he said in an interview, “it might have been futile.”

Uncle Joe won't bring himself to distinguish the difference between a legal "good guy" gun owner and an illegal "bad guy" shooter.  And he's considering running for President in 2020!


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