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Boy Expelled For Using Airsoft Guns in His Own Yard

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poster formerly know as Silverbullet:
10 years for my wife and I today.


--- Quote from: silverbullet on September 28, 2013, 03:18:11 AM ---10 years for my wife and I today.

--- End quote ---

My wife and I have been married for 9 years, together for 11. She made it through a year of work-ups and a combat deployment, so I figured she was a keeper!

On another note, I believe a part of the problem is that most people, as a society, are too quick to drop the "I find that offensive" routine. Any time anyone sees something they even remotely disagree with, they feel like they have put a comment out on it, saying how they find it offensive, or they think its wrong, or whatever. So a kid was playing with an airsoft gun in his front yard. Whats the big deal? People need to stop being so d*** jumpy with calling the cops, and the cops need to drop the superior attitude. I'm a big supporter of our boys in blue, but come on already. Lets put a little, no, A LOT, of accountability back into the hands of people, and let them be responsible for themselves. We don't have to criminalize everything.


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