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Boy Expelled For Using Airsoft Guns in His Own Yard

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Schools have a responsibility from the time the kids walk onto the school yard until they walk off. If they take a bus then the time on that bus is also included. It ends there! If the child is walking home and gets hurt or attacked its not the schools responsibility. If the kid is home and gets hurt in his yard its not the schools responsibility. Its time parents and adults take some responsibility for their own family. This includes telling the school board to but the he|| outta business that's not theirs.. ie as in our own personal yards.

"It Takes A Village"! Shades of Hillary.  Parents need to take the control back from the local school boards.  Some boards may actually welcome parental involvement. Good luck.

I said the following in a previous post on another thread that when I was young we brought guns to school for hunter safety class and were taught how to clean and disassemble them in shop class.
Many kids kept the hunting rifles in their pickup gun racks. I always had my .22 with me in my car in high school. My how times have changed.

Personal time and liberties are almost non existent anymore. Way too many "political correct" and way too may mentally deranged, and way too many absolutely ignorant people that can't think for themselves.
(off soap box now)


Poppop XDM:
Seniorgeek,  I agree and we drank from tthe garden hose, rode our bikes without helmets, played cowboy and indians in the yard and did not harm each other, played until dark and came in without being high and got my backside slapped if I deserved it and I think I turned out pretty well. Married 36 years to the same women with 2 kids and 5 grandkids.


--- Quote from: Poppop XDM on September 25, 2013, 06:07:44 PM ---Married 36 years to the same women with 2 kids and 5 grandkids.

--- End quote ---
@poppop XDM, how's that working out? ::) I'm happy with one for 45+ years!


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