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Guy Shoots Himself at Texas Indoor Range

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I've seen stories like this like once every few months.


--- Quote from: Clarence on December 04, 2013, 09:38:29 PM ---That's why non members cannot shoot alone with a rented gun at Targetmaster.

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Nice in theory, but.. "Hello, I've had an interest in getting a firearm for home defense and possibly my ccdw later. If I'm going to have a weapon I'd like to learn how to be proficient with it. I'd like to buy a membership and perhaps try a few handguns you might suggest would suit my purpose." Clerk creates new Membership, gives the guy a quick run down on a suggested firearm or two and perhaps even has the range officer give him a few pointers. He is doing well so RO leaves. Ohh wait... Kid shoots himself.

Wait a sec.. kid buys a new handgun and rents a lane. TargetMaster does allows that. Ohh wait... Kid shoots himself.

Kids today are simply babied and not taught to toughen up, grow up, take it like a man, sticks and stones, etc. They whine and cry about everything. Kids NEED some bullying and hard knocks to prepare themselves for life and parents who actually parent their kids through those times. Like adults don't get bullied. We don't need the anti bullying laws that are being lobbied for so much today, but instead teach our kids how to stand up for themselves. Today's kids are soft and weak because thats how society has made them. Think suicide is high now.. wait another 10 years.

I'm not saying this was a bullying situation as I've been unable to find much information regarding the case, however the lack of parenting today's children and youth I personally believe is a significant cause for these cases. Add to that the number of single parent families, entitlements, poverty, etc and its a nation of weak minded people. ...and its growing!

I feel bad for the family and kid but...


--- Quote from: Adrenolin on December 06, 2013, 04:37:05 AM ---I'm not saying this was a bullying situation as I've been unable to find much information regarding the case, however the lack of parenting today's children and youth I personally believe is a significant cause for these cases. Add to that the number of single parent families, entitlements, poverty, etc and its a nation of weak minded people. ...and its growing!

I feel bad for the family and kid but...

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Well said, and I am in totall agreement.


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