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NRA EVC for Delaware



EVCs for Delaware

Don't Let Others Decide For You!


Listed below is the contact information for your congressional district's Election Volunteer Coordinator (EVC). (While the contact information listed below is by congressional district, your EVC will be working to provide volunteers to pro-gun campaigns in this year's state elections.) Your EVC is an NRA member who acts as the liaison between NRA members & gun owners in your district and various pro-freedom campaigns. The main goal of an EVC is to provide these campaigns with dedicated, educated volunteers to assist with phone banks, literature drops, precinct walks, voter registration, Election Day activities, and other campaign volunteer activities.

Politicians, the media elite, and the gun ban lobby will look at the results of this year's elections and try to pick up any trends they may be able to exploit next year. If gun owners don't actively work and vote for pro-gun candidates, our opponents will attempt to portray this year's elections as proof positive that candidates who support the Second Amendment can't win in 2012. By contacting and working with your EVC you can ensure this does not happen!

Even if you can spare only an hour a week, or a couple of days between now and Election Day, your EVC needs to hear from you. If the future or our Second Amendment rights isn't worth a few hours of your time, what is?

(NOTE: If an EVC vacancy exists in your district, call ILA Grassroots at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) to learn what you can do locally to assist pro-freedom campaigns in your area.)
John LaPrad
Georgetown, Delaware
Phone: 302-934-7723
Contact this EVC

I signed up for volunteer work on the NRA site a while back.  Will I be contacted?

Contact John LaPrad


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