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3D METAL printers-now available for under $2,000.00

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Well, I guess that technology moves much faster than it used to. I figured at least 5-10 years to get down to this price range:

We seem to have skipped a few stages with this one. I suspect that these will be the "in" Christmas gift by next year.
Will be nice to have the kids make their own toys. Also will come in handy when the mall has another power failure.

Once they combine a plastic printer with the metal printer & a 3D scanner as an "all-in-one" machine we will be just a few steps
away from a Star Trek style replicator. Working in brass would be really nice next ammo shortage.

Another link, includes materials list, parts sources & basic assembly instructions:

Just Bill:
Of course, now that it is illegal to produce firearms on this technology, we should all feel safer...........??????  When are they going to understand that bad guys do not obey laws???  It is the same thing with locks on a house, they are for honest people.  I can get in almost any house in a few seconds.


Just thinking out loud. Why would a person go to the expense of buying a 3D metal printer and material to make a gun, unless they were prohibited from buying one , or intended on selling guns illegally? You can legally buy good guns for $500-$1000 dollars with warranty and service, at most any gun store. I don't get it.

Morder Chemiker:

--- Quote from: SturmRugerSR9 on December 17, 2013, 04:05:39 PM ---Just thinking out loud. Why would a person go to the expense of buying a 3D metal printer and material to make a gun, unless they were prohibited from buying one , or intended on selling guns illegally? You can legally buy good guns for $500-$1000 dollars with warranty and service, at most any gun store. I don't get it.

--- End quote ---

Confiscation by the government, if and when it gets to that point it would/will be a great way to arm people to overthrow the government.

Just Bill:
If terrorists wanted a gun that could sneak thru security checks, cheap way to make them.


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