Author Topic: Gun Owners Tell Mayors The Truth About "Mayors Against Illegal Guns"  (Read 10550 times)


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Gun Owners Tell Mayors The Truth About "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" 
Friday, September 11, 2009

When New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino--both virulently anti-gun mayors--formed a new anti-gun group a few years ago, they envisioned the creation of a powerful force to lobby for new gun control laws.  But in assembling their coalition, they failed to take two important things into account:  first, the response of gun owners to this new threat, and second, that many mayors would not take kindly to being misled regarding the real purpose of Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG.)

Over the past few years, even as they continue to claim they are only concerned with “illegal” guns, MAIG has worked to impose new restrictions on law-abiding gun owners by regulating guns shows, supporting reckless lawsuits against the firearm industry, and opposing the right of self-defense for law-abiding Americans with carry permits.  Mayor Bloomberg, who sets the agenda for this radical group, is dedicated to the passage of highly restrictive gun laws. In an appearance on “Meet the Press,” Bloomberg announced that he would raise money to counter the influence of the NRA.

But there is a growing glitch in Bloomberg’s plan.  More and more mayors are discovering the real purpose of MAIG, and are removing their names from the group’s list.  After hearing from their constituents, over 40 mayors have resigned from the group since it’s inception. 

A number of mayors have provided the same reason for leaving the group:  MAIG was not what they represented themselves to be.  In her letter of resignation, Mayor Patricia Shontz (R) of Madeira Beach, Florida wrote, “I am withdrawing because I believe the MAIG is attempting to erode all gun ownership, not just illegal guns.  Additionally, I have learned that the MAIG may be working on issues which conflict with legal gun ownership.”  She goes on to add, “It appears the MAIG has misrepresented itself to the Mayors of America and its citizens.  This is gun control, not crime prevention.”

Mayor Shontz’s concerns were echoed by Mayor Josh Nowotarski (D) of Mount Penn, Pennsylvania, who wrote, “I recently learned of the misrepresentations of the group and regret having joined in the first place.”

These sentiments were shared by a number of other mayors who have removed their name from the MAIG list. 

Is your mayor a member MAIG?

If your mayor is listed, contact the Mayor’s office and let them know the truth about MAIG and ask them to resign.  If they say they are on the list in error, let them know they need to contact MAIG and have their name removed.  If your mayor agrees that MAIG is not a group that he or she wants to belong to, encourage your mayor to resign and let NRA-ILA know that they have done so.  Help your mayor make the right choice between protecting our Second Amendment rights or continuing to be associated with those who actively oppose and undermine your firearms freedom.

" An armed society is a polite society"
I not sick, I'm twisted. Sick makes it sound like there's a cure.