General Gun Discussion > Rifles and Shotguns

How Old?

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"You'll shoot your eye out!" 

I think it's all dependent on the child.  If they can handle the responsibility of being at the range (which I might add I'd never take my FOUR year old there), then I think it's all good.

Most of the kids I know (and no.. I will never have any of my own -- THANK GOD!) would lose the privledge of going to the range within 20 minutes of the car ride home. Yeah, send me more bulldogs.. just no kids! :)

PS, I do think it's great your daughter is interested. 

Moosie aka Rebecca

Yep saw them both going into the range.  She will be fine.  I realize she is just starting out but, whenever you are ready to introduce her to a hand gun, I have a 22A.  Will gladly meet you there and let her shoot it.  I think you have my phone number.


--- Quote from: trevor on December 13, 2009, 11:06:53 PM ---She doesn't know it, but there's a Marlin 795 coming her way this Christmas.
--- End quote ---


I know where you will be tomorrow morning.   :)

The day after Christmas (Radnor was right, of course!) was cold and rainy...but that didn't matter to a 10 year old with their first firearm. During the drive to River Road, A discussion about muzzle control, yellow lines, and cold ranges was shared. We paid for our time, then went over to the rifle range.

One cartridge was loaded into the magazine. 'Pfft' (well, it was only a '22) and there was a hole in the cardboard over the target!  Another, then two, were loaded. She quickly got the hang of loading the magazine, inserting it into the rifle, releasing the bolt, shouldering the firearm, aim, safety off, finger on trigger, steadying the aim, fire!

Initial hesitancy quickly gave way to capability and surety.

The black shoot n c taget gradually became peppered with yellow splats. And 30 rounds later, a young lady had taken another step toward a more confident and safer life.

It was still grey and rainy, but the day now seemed bright --lit up by the sunbeam of a smile.  Was it the 10 year old's smile of achievement, or her dad's smile of pride?     :)


Congrats, buddy.  Sounds like your daughter is on her way to responsible firearm ownership and use!  Hope she continues to enjoy it.



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