State News & Gun News > Delaware News

If it's not one moron it's another... This time, it's Markell

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I'm sure I have been living under a rock, but this article addresses Markell's "wants" for gun control.

Oh, and notice how someone open carrying started some of this crap?  Sorry, Im not a big fan of open carrying. But this just adds to my ire of the whole thing.  And yes, Im glad that we have that right to do so, but in Delaware -- the land of the ignorant regarding guns -- I feel it just causes more situations than its worth.  If you want to carry, get a permit. 

I know I know... I'll hear some crap for this.


Moosie, while I would not want to open carry either the incident refered to by the paper wasn't due to the carrier but to the public over reacting for no reason. The problem lies with these people that believe the mere presence of a firearm equals danger. Lets just hope that the NRA and DSSP is able to defend our rights and defeat these bogus laws that only hurt us and make the criminals stronger.

Moosie, This person was within their right to carry a gun in open, whether I agree or disagree with open carry is besides the point the fact is NCC wants to to enact gun laws that will infringe on our rights and in Delaware open carry is a right besides where will it end?.

gun nut:
And the funny part of all this crap Markell is a gun owner.


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