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Warning from Canada


Being a Canadian I thought I'd pass this along. The National Gun Registry in Canada (now dismantled) should be looked at hard here. It blatantly led to gun confiscation nation wide. I remember people saying 'its just a registry to track the guns' and the thought of confiscation was scoffed at never thinking it would happen.

Check this out..

Also Ian Thomson whose interviewed finally after 2.5 years was acquitted of charges.

And a link to Wikipedia with some information on the Canadian Firearms Registry to feed on.

Registration is NOT a good thing and it only leads to one thing.. Confiscation!

Bad for Canada. Bad for America.

Agreed! Thankfully Canada has learned somewhat from their National registration and its been dismantled. Quebec (yes I have a strong dislike here) unfortunately filed for all the data before it was destroyed. It hasn't been turned over, yet, and we hope it isn't! The data needs to be incinerated!

People here in the US really need to realize that just because they aren't coming for them now doesn't mean they will not next year!

formerly known as frank:
Do not stop being vigilant, and do not stop telling your elected officials how you feel. Pay attention, and do not become an uninformed voter, who gets his or her information from the corrupt press and media.

What Frank said.....


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