Author Topic: Survival Point Shooting  (Read 12990 times)


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    • AIMED Point Shooting or P&S
Survival Point Shooting
« on: October 18, 2010, 07:12:23 AM »
I am a firm believer that for effective shooting, the sights must be in alignment and placed on the target.

Here's a link to a homemade video titled Survival Point Shooting that I just uploaded to U-Tube. You may find it of interest:

Here is a link to a text + pics version:

I put them together as a general response to an ILEETA based article in Police Magazine that was touting that Officers need to "aim when they train" so they will Point Shoot well under stress. Here's a link to that article and one of mine that responds specifically to the content of the article:

Police Mag:

My direct response:

As long as "Sight Shooters" keep bringing up their theory that SS is the cat's meow for combat, IMHO, a response is in order.

Sight Shooting has been taught for 100+ years to millions and millions.

Yet there are no pics or videos of it being used effectively in a close quarters life threat situation. There should be hundreds to thousands of them, but they are as rare as hen's teeth.

What the scientific studies and stats have shown, is that Sight Shooting fails to be used in most all close quarters life threat situations, either due to poor lighting, the dynamics of the situations, or the automatic activation of our Fight or Flight response and its effects, one of which is the loss of the ability to focus on near objects like the sights.

To train Officers and the public to use Sight Shooting, which is a proven failure in close quarters life threat situations, or to supply them with opinions and unproven theories to use in their self defense, will leave them with no practical and effective shooting method to use to stay alive in close quarters life threat situations.

As such, they will be set up to be shot and/or killed in situations where there is the greatest likely hood of that happening.

And to me, that is immoral, if not criminal.


The following is from a research article on the SureSight site that deals with the use of the sights in gunfights.

"It is an acknowledged fact that very few gunfight survivors ever remember seeing their sights at all during a life-threatening encounter. In other words, regardless of the amount of practice using the sights at the target range, the vast majority of shootout survivors are unable to see their sights when faced with life-threatening stress. One study found that when faced with stress, "93% of officers focused on the threat, not the weapon, and 88% of the officers resorted to binocular vision.'”

If you know of a pic/s or a video/s of sight shooting being used effectively in CQ Gunfights, please send me a link to it/them. I will post the links to a page on my site that is dedicated to that purpose. To date its blank as the total I know of or have been made aware of since Jan 2000 = 0.

Here's a link to it:

I consider Point Shooting of ANY TYPE to be better for real life threat close quarters situations than Sight Shooting. Most are not a bar to using the sights if they can be seen and used, and there is time for that.

Here's a link to an article on my site about a Chicago Policeman who has been in 14 gunfights, shot 9, 5 died. He practices Point Shooting and at close range.

Here's Jack Ruby giving Oswald the bird and killing him using P&S.

Note Ruby's middle finger is clearly thru the trigger guard and was used to pull the trigger. (The picture was made just after Oswald was shot.)

. A pistol is not a rifle, so why shoot one like it is.


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    • Safe Actions Firearms Ed
Re: Survival Point Shooting
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2010, 11:53:46 PM »
The only time you should point shoot, I.E., not use the sights is if you are so closed to your assailant meaning. Body to body contact or you have pulled him into you and can't use the sights. You should always use your sights, its called, "The Third Eye Principle". Front sight #1, rear sight #2 and your eyes, #3. 123! The third eye principle, learn it, train it and use it. You'll be better off and your hit probability will increase. Trust me!
Kevin C. Jones
Safe Actions Firearms Ed
910 Old Harmony Rd
Newark, DE 19713