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A Very Disturbing Story

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This should be a warning.  If the situation is so dire that you need to draw, you need to be prepared to shoot.  

Make sure that this doesn't happen!!!

poster formerly know as Silverbullet:
If you have it you better be prepared to use it. Even if you never have to draw.

I was just talking with a friend today regarding the 3 "musts" of surviving a gunfight. Yes.. a gun fight. That is one of the reasons we carry, isn't it?  The three "musts" are proficiency, awareness, and willingness.  Proficiency of course is putting in the time to be well trained with your firearm. Awareness is situational awareness... always having your head on a swivel, etc. Willingness being the willingness to pull the trigger and dot someone's eye. If you're not willing to do what it takes to be proficient, if you're too lazy or distracted to be aware, or if you're unwilling to pull the trigger when it comes down to it, you shouldn't be carrying a firearm - concealed or open.

Too many people like the idea of carrying concealed... not enough take all three of these serious enough.

Just my opinion.

Moosie is absolutely correct. I practice scenarios as to become proficient with my carry pistol (already proficient with my rifle), work on being very aware, (this has taken practice), and as a combat veteran, I am very prepared to shoot.

More and more classes are being offered that are "scenario" based. That is shoot and move..  shooting from funky, totally weird positions that you just may find yourself in should things go down. 

The other thing that's great IMO, is to do what if's sitting in the safety of your recliner. Think it through and then the options you might have. 

FYI, Delaware State Pistol Club holds some interesting 'Action Pistol' classes on Mondays that are situationally based.  $5 I think for non members??  Last week they were discussing / shooting a car jacking situation.  Worth looking into!



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