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Quote from Piers Morgan-He's starting to get it.

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Morgan is an arrogant, hypocritical English pr*ck! His attack rants, when he shouts down those who believe differently them him and calls it an interview, are disgraceful. He is only pretending to notice now because it is his field (if you want to call what he does journalism) that is the target of DOJ.  Is it possible we can watch him walk home......back to England.

formerly known as frank:
Someone needs to remind him, that the Second Amendment protects the First, and all the other amendments. As long as Americans have the means to protect their rights, their rights are safe.

The truth is -- he's just like everyone else. Most people don't care about things things that they don't care about.  That may sound stupidly simplistic -- but it's how most of us think.  If you don't smoke or drink, you don't care about an increase in taxes on those products. If you don't use spray paint, you don't care that it may be locked up behind a cage.  If you don't have a lawn, you don't care about mowers and fertilizer.  In order for some folks to pay attention -- they need a dog in the fight. 

But Piers isn't a guy that doesn't care about guns -- he seems somewhat obsessed with his hatred of guns. Piers has done and said a lot of bad things about guns, and at best, this is probably another example of too little, too late.  He may not change direction, but at least he tapped the brakes for a moment of thought.  The truth is that by next week, he'll probably go back to ranting about how God-awful and evil guns are.


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