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Ammo Shortage About to Get Much Worse

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The biggest flex the Russians could make is just comply with the demands and prove to everyone the ban isn't about chemical weapons it's about restricting gun ownership in America. Restitution to Navalny's family would be a drop in the bucket compared to what they loose from not being able to sell ammo.

News footage of the recent weeks cause me to wonder about where do the Taliban and Isis get all their ammo. They are seen firing into the air hundreds of rounds at a time over nothing. And, this is all the time. I thought they were suppose to be poor people. Yet they have a unlimited supply of ammo. And, now with the 'Biden Blunder" they have hundreds of thousands of additional weapons at their disposal. I'm sure there will be no shortage of ammo for them there either.

well, with 'Biden's ammo Blunder' in effect, the Ruskies will look to other countries to take up what used to be 'our share'.  Bet that will be Afghanistan buying from Russia more/cheaper ammo than ever before:  If so, Biden F'd up again!  I would love to know ONE THING that he's done right!


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