State News & Gun News > NRA & National Gun News

Is the NRA still relevant??


My NRA membership is up this year and I'm really not sure if I should renew it? I am a member of the GOA, SAF and DSSA. I feel like the NRA has really dropped the ball with the current issues facing gun owners and the GOA, SAF and DSSA being local has really stepped up. I could easily use my hard earned money to support the other 3.  What's your take?

I sometimes wonder myself. But, then, I think, who else is fighting on a National level with the power and clout that they have. I don't see any other organization any better. Looks like "we got what we got".

Just Bill:
I am a lifer so I don't have dues to pay, but still donate.  We need all the help we can get.

Lifer also.  Still support them.


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