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A Glimmer of Hope?



US Supreme  Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett has given the state of Illinois until Wednesday to state why a preliminary injunction against that states so called assault weapon ban should not be granted.

This MIGHT, just MIGHT be an opening for the court to address the “assault weapons” issue post Bruen.  The fact that this was accepted to be put on the docket is a huge step forward.

I would like to hear Mark Winkleman’s take on this. 

As alwsys, stay tuned

Motion denied.  Stay tuned.  Illinois will go ahead with their scheme 

Sounds like it was never going to be taken up by scotus as a matter of precedent.  The problem we and other blue states have now is the speed and efficiency they are making these new laws and feeding off each other to not be outdone.  Delaware is no different and now has the new development of running things through out of session


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