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Harry ain't so dumb



Shush......... I think we'll go for the magazine limit and still look good to our constituents. One chip at a time team, and besides, I’m not ready to retire.

the Boxer

It ain't over. This will be broken down into smaller bills or amendments to other bills to sneak them through.

Remember what Homer Simpson said when he paper clipped his “stop sign” bill to the back of bill that was sure to pass.

"Whoo  Hoo!  The system works!"

formerly known as frank:
Feinstein is not done!

poster formerly know as Silverbullet:
We need to let the so called "pro gun" senators know that there will be  no votes for turn coats. Some will support something like a background check figuring "its not that bad" not realizing it will just lead to more and more. The mag ban is totally crap. They are not even talking about true hi cap mags like 100 round drums, but standard 17round glock mags and 30 round ar15 mags.


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