CCW Methods & Issues > General CCW Discussion

Do You Carry at Work?

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Yes, because I can.

I respectfully refuse to anwser this queston on the grounds that it may (or may not) incriminate me.   ;D

So, the situation came up today at work where we just fired a guy... a very weird guy... the type who gives off "I'm gonna get my gun" vibe.....    we have NO I mean absolutely NO security here.  We have doors you can open and walk right in. 

Of course, I'm not saying that I would carry while in the building -- or in my purse, (co-workers read this blog!) but I'd like to hear from others who work at facilities who have no security and does your company have anything in place to deal with folks like this when they're fired?  -- We also get no email notifiying us, etc.  Its all word of mouth. 

As far as where I work our Co has a strict no firearms policy, it all depends on the company and what is in your employee handbook. As far as notifying other employees I think that falls under employee confidentiality I know were not notified.

I think your right sig, I don't think legally a company can say that somebody was fired. I know my company always says that SO SO decided to leave the company and pursue other goals. My company does not allow firearms on the premises. I work with large amounts of cash and at early hours and every once in a while think about buying a nice little pocket gun to carry anyway. The only way they would know is if I use it, and in that case I'll be happy that I can still be fired.
But like you said moosie, I DO NOT CARRY A GUN AT WORK!!   


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