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Wow! A politician who gets it

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In case any of you have heard about the charge by Donald Trump that Ted Cruz is not a citizen of the US, here is something you all should know. Ted Cruz's mother was born in St. Francis Hospital in New Castle County Delaware. She is a natural born US Citizen. Even though Ted Cruz was born in a hospital in Canada, he is a citizen because of her US Birth.
Back in 2007 John McCain , who ran for President, and has been a US Senator for many years, was also questioned about citizenship. He was born to US parents stationed in the Panama Canal Zone in Central America. At that time the Canal Zone was a territory of the US, and his parents were US citizen, making him a US Citizen.
The question to this day still remains about Obama, as the "birth certificate" presented to the American people has been refuted to be false as the hospital named was not in existence by that name until years after his birth, and his S/S number belongs to a man in Conn., who  passed away years ago. There are a list of discrepancies on Obama's records and they have been locked away along with most anything that could confirm or deny any of his past.

So does that mean if Obama was born in Kenya he would still be president assuming his mother is American?

I support Cruz 100%.  Just hope some left wing judge doesn't declare him ineligible.

I remember Romneys father tried to run and he was born in Mexico

Whoever wins the nomination gets my vote.

I am with you PPScarry and will vote for a Republican and at this point do not give a cr@p who it is. I just do not want a DemoRAT in the WH. I will say the luster of Trump is wearing thin with me.

Got to say I enjoyed Trump blasting the Pope. I'm tired of the Pope running America down. I'm a Catholic and this Pope is a Communist with 50' walls around his home surrounded by armed military with a non existent immigration program. He offends me like our current president. Open border social justice Pope pushing victimization. Heretic. God save us.


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