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Another school shooting

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And today it was the school gun free zone in Santa Fe. You ever notice they never attack a Sheriff's office or a State Police Barracks.

This just proves that these shooters are mentally ill cowards.

Just heard Lt Gov Patrick on Fox News say that teachers are allowed to carry in TX subject to local school approval.  Santa Fe does not allow their teachers to carry.  Patrick went on to say that a Marine was teaching in the classroom next door.  He should have been allowed to carry.

Apparently this t u r d was able to get his father's shotgun and .38 handgun and smuggle them into the school under a trench coat in 90° weather. Those guns should have been secured and the school needs to implement better situational awareness. 

We can expect HB 366 safe storage bill to come alive in the Senate Judicial Cmte.

Another good reason for schools to have a dress code and/or uniforms, such as golf shirts and kaki pants. It helps to eliminate clicks, concealed weapons in school, and fad clothing. There are schools in Delaware already following this dress code.

Just Bill:
That throws out the magazine limit frenzy.  The pistol was 6 shots(maybe) and the shotgun, 5 max.  Someone should have clobbered the guy when he was reloading.

Looks like the Democrats would rather kill babies than protect school kids. Planned Parenthood gets a 1/2 billion dollars a year for abortions (killing babies). Wouldn't that be better spent on better school security, such as, metal detectors, limited access,  and armed, trained security guards and police, and better mental health probes?


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