Author Topic: Markell's plan: 8% state pay cut, tax hikes  (Read 21404 times)


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Re: Markell's plan: 8% state pay cut, tax hikes
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2009, 02:55:14 PM »
Hawkeye, while I didn't read through both letters you published, I have a very hard time believing that Sarah Palin had no idea that the media would launch a nasty attack on her and her family.  It seems to me as a normal, typical part of politics.  They did it to our current president, his vice president, as well as every other politician that was running for office.  I think that she didn't help herself when she had the chance to.  Her interview with Katie Couric (among others) was her chance to show her true self not what the media was printing or spinning out of context.  But she fell flat on her face. 

I think she tried to appeal to the everyday US citizen with her "down home" type of chat but it backfired miserably on her and the entire republican party. 

But.. I applaud you for publishing letters and voicing your opinion.  More of us need to take the time to do our research and do the same! 

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Re: Markell's plan: 8% state pay cut, tax hikes
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2009, 03:20:58 PM »
Back to the subject that was the start of this post.  I feel for the state workers, my wife is a county employee and isn't taking that big of a hit.  But I'm in sales, I do not get a "hourly" or "yearly" pay, my earnings are a percentage of what I produce for the company.  My paycheck is down about 60% so far this year and my health care has gone up too. 

I had a union worker in my office back in December crying that he had be on layoff for 8 weeks.  He was only getting 90% of his pay....AND he didn't have to go to work!!!  Where do I sign up for that program!!!  I tried but I couldn't feel sorry for him.

To all the state workers, I do feel your pain, keep your chin up and remember that someday we will come out of this.  I guess that we can all be thankful that we still have jobs....for now!!!


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Re: Markell's plan: 8% state pay cut, tax hikes
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2009, 10:22:48 PM »
Moosie, two quick things: First is that the interview we saw was edited... very well I might add. That was one of the controversies. Second is that the media did not go after Obama or Biden.
There is a new movie (documentary) coming out that explains it much better than I ever could.
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Re: Markell's plan: 8% state pay cut, tax hikes
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2009, 01:54:49 AM »
Lets face it, a politican is a politican! It dosen't matter what party affiliation they have or whether they are labeled as  ultra liberal or  ultra conservative. Long gone are days of noble men running for office because they believed they could help the country. Todays political parties control the canidates from the time they announce their intentions to run until the time they leave the public eye. Why do you think the Ron Paul's (just using him as an example) of the world never get any momentum? Because they don't bow to the party therefore the party dosen't get behind them.
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