When you are ready to buy, get your google on. Search for Brian Enos. Order it through him, or you could buy locally. If you order from him there is (or at least WAS), no shipping if over a certain amount. With buying the press and dies, you'll hit the amount. So, that will save you some money.
Now, to answer your question on how much... CANNOT answer that. It DEPENDS on you and what extras ($$$) you buy. I would recommend the strong mount, bullet tray, and the roller handle minimum. I added to that the spare parts and the deluxe quick change kit per cal I load. I did NOT buy the low powder sensor. Just keep an eye on it, you'll be fine and pocket the savings. You'll need a scale too. Recommend a DIGITAL one vs a balanced beam. Also next time your at the range, pick up a piece of 45 brass and put it in your pocket. The primer tube has a plastic rod which pushes down on the primers needs just a little more weight. That 45 brass works great. You'll need a tumbler too. Primer flip tray.
I started with 9 and 45. Later added 223. For 223, you'll need a trimmer. Can be anything from a hand lathe (25.00 or so GUESSING) to something that fits on a drill (dont know the cost) to a GTC Trimmer (Giraud now $440. $400 when I purchased mine).
I know this is easy to say when it's your money, but dont worry about it too much. It's an investment unlike our cars, it will hold most of it's value. It's also a one time investment you'll pass on to someone else. The Dillon warranty is 2nd to NONE! I bent a pin through my negligence. Called them and told them that too and I wanted to buy a new one. They asked my for my address and sent me one and would not take my money.
Now, were going to talk about your money..... (love it when it's not mine...)
Got my google on and found as a base reference... Primers 26/k, Powder (W231 - 4lbs) @ 64.90, and bullets (PLATED) 72.94/k. FMJ more expensive, lead less. Now making an ASSUMPTION of 5 grains of powder (7,000 in a pound) for that 9mm (I use 4.4 of that same powder - so I went high - DO NOT USE 5 as your recipe - DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!) Your cost per round will be about .11 per (assuming your saving your brass) Loaded ammo 342/k for 9mm or .342 per
OK, still with me? Let's assume you are going to spend $1,000.00 on that press and goodies. (Like I said, it's great when it's someone elses wallet...) So, we have $1,000.00 + .11hl = .342fa (hl = hand loaded & fa = factory ammo) Your machine will be PAID for after loading your 4310th round of ammo. INCLUDING the purchase of the supplies needed to make them - that's the .11hl above) Your saying good GOD , 4300 rounds!!!! Well, how much do you shoot?? 50 rounds per week?? Well, that's only a year and a half or 86 weeks!!!
After it is all paid for, you'll be saving 23.2 cents per trigger pull. Great isn't it? Well, guess what? You will not be saving that. WHAT?!? You just said I would... True, it will cost you less per trigger pull, you'll just shoot more. That eats up the savings. But you'll be having fun doing it!
Hope you stayed with me through all of this. It's a great hobby. Any questions just ask.
Oh BTW, 223 are a PITA to load vs pistol ammo. Not hard, just a few more steps.