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Boy Expelled For Using Airsoft Guns in His Own Yard

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So our kids are not even permitted to play on our own personal properties now without fear...

I saw this on Fox this morning. It was a Air-Soft pistol.
If I were his parents I'd be seuing the School Board, School, Principal, bus driver, or who ever reported him/ I'd take no prisoners. This $h!7 has got to stop. The only way it will is to get extremely deep into their pocket-books.

When I was 7 we had cherry bombs and all kinds of fun stuff.  My brother put a exploding splint into the art teachers cigar and we all got to see the mess that made.  We even booby trapped the boy's room door with a pull-stirng firecracker.  We sure did get in trouble but...If I were 7 today I would likley be typing from behind bars, tried as an adult and facing the death penalty.

Every day we see more and more absolutely INSANE behavior by ADULTS restricting kids using their imaginations and play time.  Remember the kid who got in trouble because he had bitten chunks out of his pop tart and made it into the shape of a gun?  Yeah.  More chlorine in the gene pool please!


It's understood that schools have rules. When I went to school, their responsibility for you started when you walked out your front door, ans stopped when you entered your home again. Thats was their accountability for their students. But lets try to interject a little common sense people. I think this is the school board trying to appease the fascist community of Virginia Beach (I lived there for two years when I was in the military, and trust me, they HATE military there.) So now the question is, where does one draw the line? If my child is on vacation in Hawaii and gets a stern talking to about using an airsoft gun, does the school board reserve the right to punish him anyway?


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