I agree Silverbullet. I guess I'm no very "politically correct" and don't give a @@@@ if someone doesn't like it. But, is it just me or do others notice that everyday in the newspaper (no mater which one you get) you see the section that list crimes and arrest for crimes, that the people are at least 80% black and/or Hispanic. So, is racism the problem or is the problem the races. I do not think all blacks and Hispanics are bad, I've worked with them and go to church with them, and have not had a problem with any of them. So, am I just meeting the cream of the crop, or are there more bad than good, or just a sign of the times. As it is said in the Bible, there will be neighbor against neighbor, brothers against brothers, tribe against tribe, in the "End Times"
First calling people like the ones doing the knockout game or the ones for most of those crimes black is wrong. Allen west, Herman Cain, Rev Jesse Lee Peterson are black men. There is another word for the people you speak of and I would get banned for using it. There is also white trash out there ( which most boards would saying nothing of using). You are right blacks are not bad. I love black people. I did the blues and learned much of my guitar playing interest is based on the black man's blues, but that is just it the people you speak of are black.
Heck I am not on some boards because some people don't like the truth. The same attitude that infects "public image" among gun owners is the same way we lose our rights and our guns. I can say not all will admit it but more than a few people have told me the "public image" crap will cost us our guns. Think of these two ways to deal with anti's
1, Sir, please don't take our guns. Please follow the constitution. We have a right.
2. BOY!!! You want it it will have to be pried from my cold, dead, hands!!!!!
The brits did not leave when said we did not want to be part of them anymore. We chose option 2 as a nation.
To answer the question about meeting the great people and the 80% on crimes many apologists will say "Jim Crow, Racism, Slavery". I say I don't care what happened before I was even a smile on dad's face ( rest in peace daddy) if they are trying to harm me or my family.
Yes poverty is bad, but why is Detroit, Philadelphia and so forth so violent when very poor areas of Appalachia have no where near the violence?
Here is my theory. There is no difference in the races. What happens in because of slavery there was a way to always divide people and both sides are guilty. After the war between the states you had liberal whites who told former slaves "They owe you something. Stick with me and you will be ok". Today's democratic party is doing that. You also had bigots saying to the average white folks ( maybe 15% of southerners owned slaves and only like 5% owned lots like plantations) "they used to work for you. You need to stick with us or they will take over". Basically instead of brotherhood and coming together we have what we have now.
The civil rights movement did not help. Here is what happened. Segregation was wrong, but what happened is progressive agitators came down south and did a good thing with rights. The thing is instead of focusing on brotherhood and healing between the races after basic civil rights were attained the progressives basically said "Hey have fun guys. We need to focus on some other cause". There was no healing and then the idea of things like affirmative action made equality become special rights and really did not help anything.
Check out this book. Written by a brilliant black man who grew up to a single mother in the projects and points out he was not a thug.
http://www.amazon.com/The-Un-Civil-War-BLACKS-NIGGERS-ebook/dp/B00BMHY5R4He explains that there are three groups in the "african-american community, Blacks, (censored) and blacks with ( censored) tendancies. He also mentions there are three within the euro race ( whites, whiggers, and rednecks) In both the problem group is the minority ( censored) and rednecks.
The key difference is rednecks have no apologists, When James Byrd was dragged there was no large amount of white people saying it was ok. Or the rednecks who did it just had a "rough life". Very few white people will criticize affirmative action.
Now there are many blacks with ( censored) tendencies and even some blacks along with whiggers, and some whites who will defend thugs and have an apologist attitude. Cases that come to mind are the Knoxville horror ( while not defended many said it was not a hate crime), Jena 6 (clearly a hate crime yet the thugs are made out to be victims), Trayvon Marin ( wont go there) and probably when someone from the knockout game gets killed.
That is the big difference and how we have the situation you notice. It can easily be stopped if people quit being apologists. Great example is that while it does happen, being tough on crime is not a way many are going to be elected in a place like Wilmington. To me real racism is claiming that being tough on crime means you are anti black. Just like my pet issue of illegal immigration will have many people "anti-latino" or "xenophobic". Those people are the not really different than Al or Jesse excusing or trying to explain away what some might call "black crime"
Let the insults fly