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Sounds like another good guy with a gun story

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NBC has found "experts" that say the doctor  would have been better off without that gun.

Wow, never would have thought that.   These "experts" sure know their stuff.  I thought ( silly me) that the doctor was better off having a gun. Now I know better.

Guess it would have been better if the doctor died as well as the staff and patients in that area. Then this might have been a good story for pushing "common sense" gun control.

That darn doctor was violating company policy you know.  


--- Quote from: Clarence on July 26, 2014, 04:15:30 PM ---

NBC has found "experts" that say he would have been better off without that gun.

Wow, never would have thought that.  Now I know.

--- End quote ---
The key paragraph in the article is:
"The weapon mental health professionals would like to have is legislation that makes it easier to commit dangerous patients before a tragedy occurs."

Looks like the doctor used a Seacamp .32 automatic.    Not the best choice to say the least.  He apparently emptied his little gun and did not kill the perpetrator.   This is why I believe in training ( but NOT mandated by law). We have to understand that this is probably not a "gun guy" but rather just a doctor concerned about his staff and patients in what can be an explosive environment. That being said, looks like a .32 in his hand would beat a .45 at home in a safe.

Another thing: Looks like  the hospital realizes that their no gun rule is a joke and apparently are not taking disciplinary action against this hero.

"Hospital policy bars anyone except on-duty law enforcement officers from carrying weapons on campus, said a Mercy Health System spokeswoman.

The hospital said Friday it was thankful for the "brave and difficult action" taken by Silverman and his colleagues. It said he remains a full member of the medical staff and "we look forward to Dr. Silverman's return to serving patients at our hospital."

Good thing that, as I am sure the hospital would be the target of demonstrations and pickets if otherwise.  


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