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NRA challenges President Obama to a ono-on-one debate

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Obama or any Dem will never acknowledge this as it is not part of the agenda.

The debate would never happen because the NRA has too many facts to repute anything the liberals would present, beside Wayne would bury Obummer and any of his cronies.

I don't usually use the word hate. I hate Obama. My wife watches him exit Air Force One just to anticipate him slipping down the stairs bouncing his head on every step. I hope I don't get banned for this do I.  :-[

I hope some day his ears trip him up coming down those stairs. ODS-Obama derangement syndrome. It is contagious. I have it bad, there is only one cure. Trump.

Although Donald Trump is a breath of fresh air in a politically correct climate, there is one recent event that gives me pause: his boycott of the most recent Republican Debate because he didn't like Megyn Kelly's questions. He used his political clout to avoid being directly questioned and organized a wounded warrior fundraiser to draw viewership from the Fox News debate, i.e., hit Fox in the pocketbook.  Trump uses his power as a weapon. What happens when he gets more power? 
    "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely"
One unethical narcissist with power is enough, we don't need another one.

The whole debate invite was just theater. Of course POTUS isn't going to debate the NRA. Wayne knew that.


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