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Taliban Is Protecting Citizens

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Wow.  The Taliban are so nice.  They have agreed to confiscate civilian weapons and protect people. Of course those civilians will no longer need their guns.  They are protected. 

It sure was nice of the former government to institute a registration system.  Will make it easier to pick up those now unneeded guns

I’m sure the “squad” and liberal left will be happy that those girls over there will not have all those dangerous weapons in their homes.   Their new Taliban husbands will protect them now. 

Oh, Well, The Taliban is going to watch out for the Afghan citizens . I feel so warm and cozy knowing that the " Tali-wackers" are being so benevolent. Their 1st concern is taking citizen guns so they won't hurt themselves. REMINDS ME IF THE COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS IN AMERICA!

It was also nice of our Commander in Chief to pull our troops out of Afghanistan before making sure US citizens and Contractors are out first.  Also gifting the Taliban with our humvees and equipment.

Even left Blackhawk helicopters there I  heard. So now the Taliban has an air force they never had before.

I have to laugh watching this saga play out. RepubliCrats argue over who is to blame. You do know that Trump sat down with the Taliban without the Afghan Government and made a peace accord. Let that sink in. Trump made peace with the same group that killed thousands of our service men and women and made peace. Handing them the country without even bringing the Afghan Government to the table...Trump set the deadline for American withdrawal for May, basically saying take this country back. Biden followed through with Trump's peace accord. Can we not see that the oligarchs in this country have become more ridiculous? Clowns in the White House dividding the people.. This is exactly why I will never vote for the "two party system" We should have never went to Afghanistan but because they grow 90% of the worlds opium we needed to step in. Why? Because the Taliban leader at the time threatened to destroy all the poppy fields....


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