They are back with a vengeance. See the bill filed yesterday; will ban hundreds of popular firearms and make criminals of 10s of thousands of law abiding Delawareans.
Now is the time to contact your Senators and Representatives to stop this.
See below from DSSA
are in jeopardy!!!
On May 31, 2022, with only 12 legislative days left in the 151st Delaware General Assembly House and Senate Democrats signaled their cynical intent to capitalize on the tragic deaths of the innocent children and teachers of Uvalde, Texas at the hands of a madman. They intend to declare war on the Constitution and your God-given right to keep and bear arms.
But that comes as no surprise – their leader, and political mentor, Joe Biden, has made it very clear that he intends to ban America’s sporting and self defense rifles with the truth be damned. Not satisfied with that threat, now he wants to ban 9 mm pistols as well.
Your DSSA obtained a draft-copy of yet another Gun Ban Bill, one that would target law-abiding owners of otherwise legal firearms, including America’s Rifle, the AR-15 owned by over 40 million legal gun owners.
– Yep! You guessed it – another semi-auto ban!
A copy of that draft bill may be found here.
Armed with a copy of the draft bill, your DSSA is placing the sponsors on notice that if that bill passes and becomes law DSSA WILL defend your rights in the courts – but those early sponsors simply do not care.
They care not for your rights, they care not for your safety, and they care not for the truth. To justify their declaration of war upon you and your guns, those sponsors resort to half-truths, false and misleading data, and downright lies.
Read it for yourself – read the various WHEREAS Clauses and you will see just how intellectually dishonest these people are and how little they care for the truth.
This bill bans the possession, importation and sale of a long list of 63 specifically named rifles, shotguns and pistols, plus hundreds of others. You can keep what you have but what you have becomes valueless because you cannot sell what you have – all that hard-earned money you invested in a collection that could be sold to finance college for your grandchildren and healthcare for yourself and spouse will be destroyed, if this bill becomes law.
This bill clearly violates the Second, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments plus the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution as well as numerous sections of Delaware’s Bill of Rights – they know that, but they don’t care. All they care about is power – raw power.
After all, there has been a terrible tragedy, and they can’t let it go to waste – they are trying to capitalize on the tragedy for political expediency by proposing knee-jerk legislation that would not have prevented this tragedy. Again, they are over reacting and saying they have to do something.
But why can't they deal with the real issues such as identified in the CDC report done for the city of Wilmington in 2015, which delineated issues such as mental health, family issues, social media and economic disparity. No where in the report was there a call for more "gun control".
There are 2 bills pending in the House that address school safety and hardening those places where our children go to school. Why aren't those bills being moved forward? Probably because they are sponsored by Republicans. What hypocrisy!!!
How cold – how crass – how cynical - how politically sickening.
So, just who are these political opportunists who are planning WAR against you, your rights, your families and your guns - and our Constitution? Here’s the list – you may rest assured there will be more – unless you act today to stop it:
Representatives Valerie Longhurst, House Majority Leader; Speaker of the House Pete Schwartzkopf; House Majority Whip Larry Mitchell; Stephanie Bolden, Sean Lynn, Dave Bentz, Namdi Chukwocha, Bud Freel, Debra Heffernan, Kendra Johnson, John Kowalko, Melissa Minor-Brown, Sherae'a Moore, and Senators Nicole Poore, Kyle Evans sexually challenged, Senate Majority Whip S. Elizabeth Lockman, Sara McBride, and Marie Pinkney.
Click here to get contact information for Delaware Legislators
1. Each of these constitutional assassins needs to hear from you – today.
Tell them that you know what they are doing. Tell them that their cynical undeserved use of the Uvalde children as props in their torrid political power play is a despicable act of opportunism.
Tell them they should be ashamed to attack our constitution on the very weekend we honor those who gave their lives in defense of that Constitution.
Tell them you recognize the lie this bill represents – the lie that by infringing upon your rights they will somehow make you more safe – that simply is not true. Look at California which has some of strictest gun laws in the nation, yet has one of the highest violent crime rates in the nation – and they know it. Tell them anyway.
2. Call your friends, neighbors, associates at work, people from church, and tell them what this band of political pirates is up to – and have them contact their Senator and Representative and tell them that this time their planned war on our rights cannot, and will not, be allowed to succeed.
Never in the past have we used a legislative Action Alert to raise funds – but this time is different. The threat is real. This bill could pass. And if it does pass, DSSA must go to court to stop this bill if it passes. WE NEED YOUR HELP.
We have already retained legal counsel. We are preparing – we will defend your rights. But you need to help too.
Please contribute to DSSA’s Civil Rights Defense Fund. Every cent you contribute will go to pay legal fees, in either this suit, or in the next – and we all know there will be more.
Freedom is not free – do your part.
Click here to donate – please, do it today
DSSA is funded through memberships and donations. Lawsuits are expensive. The only way DSSA can continue to protect your constitutional rights is with your help. Join or donate today.
Thank you for supporting DSSA and thank you for supporting Firearm Freedom here in the First State.
Delaware State Sportsmen's Association
National Rifle Association
Institute for Legislative Action