Since moving to Southern Arizona i have found out some very important things. 1. Our Governor doesn't follow along with the rest of the US and its goofy policy's. 2. The wild west is not in Texas, it's here where everyone carries. 3. While being a citizen here you can open carry and conceal carry without a permit, although having a permit allows you more access places with your concealed carry. 4. When you have your permit, although you must fill out the paperwork for a new purchase it will not be turned in for a BG check, they just hand you the firearm.5. We went to the ( one hour class ) to get our permits and got finger printed there and that was it, we mailed in our paperwork and got out permits two weeks later, no picture, no having people from your county filling out forms standing up for you, no article in the newspaper, no having to go to a separate office to get finger printed, no pictures because there isn't one on the permit, no 8 hour class and having to shoot 100 rounds and not having to pay 250 dollars for that class, and no long freaking wait. 6. Paid 60 dollars for the one-hour class, sent in 60 for the permit and it's good for 5 years off the bat.7. They pretty much sell firearms everywhere around here. I have five stores in my area not including Walmart that still sells shotguns and 22's and ammo.
To buy a firearm you show your permit, your ID and fill out the paperwork, you pay and they hand over the firearm, done.