State News & Gun News > Delaware News

red flag


Just Bill:
Just heard of a new commie plan to get our guns.  Fresh from the DOJ, 21 states including DE.  If someone says you are a danger, they come and take your guns, no due process.  Simply SOL!!

I think it's all part of the safer communities act. It's no surprise that the country is basically split in half on the 2A. Quite literally half are anti gun and the other are constitutional carry

The whole red flag thing might very well likely turn into the Salem witch trials or the McCarthyism. All someone needs to do is point and say "they got guns"

And watch vets get the hammer and sickle first, especially if they currently use the VA or have any records that are considered flag-able. The group you might consider one of the few or last bastions of freedom, especially when it comes to firearms,  might be the most targeted

Just Bill:
I get do frustrated with the genius voters in this state for letting it get where it is.  When I was growing up in Dover, 3/4+ of a century ago, Delaware was ranked #5 in the US economy.  We are now #35.  Under control of the 2-party system for about 35 yrs.  Those would be the democrats and the socialist democrats.

We also rank 46 (out of 48) for SAT scores,  so way to go Democrats!!


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