Author Topic: Terms Of Service (Revised 3/28/2009)  (Read 170221 times)


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Terms Of Service (Revised 3/28/2009)
« on: March 28, 2009, 11:29:42 PM » Terms of Service

The Delaware Concealed Carry forums have grown tremendously and we thank all of you for your support and being committed to concealed carry in Delaware.

In order to keep the forums running and to prevent problems, I hope each of you will take a minute and read our Terms of Service. These rules are meant to reduce the amount of problems that some other forums have had in the past as this can  take away from the purpose of the forum. This forum was created to be a resource for those of us that legally carry a concealed weapon in Delaware or want to carry a concealed weapon in Delaware.

Every member is expected to follow the forum rules. You agreed to them to become a member. Where they are open to interpretation, the forum Administrators and/or Moderators will make the interpretation. If there are any questions regarding these rules, please feel free to contact any of the forum staff.

General Rules:

1. Even though we have a number of other forums here, we are primarily focused on firearms, concealed carry and how to obtain your CCW Permit in Delaware. Threads and posts should be related to the individual forum's focus.

2. While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts or PMs. Personal attacks are strictly prohibited. You are welcome to disagree with opinions other than your own, but attacking other members will not be allowed. Remember the old adage “If you don’t have something nice to say, Don’t say nothing at all”.

3. Each member is allowed one account. Multiple user account registrations for one individual are not permitted. We reserve the right to delete, revoke any or all of these accounts, without further notice. This does not apply to members who have approved Business Accounts.

4. As a public forum, we ask that you keep your language clean, exactly as we hope you would when addressing elders. Violators of this rule will be warned once; those repeatedly breaking this rule will have their accounts permanently revoked.

5. We have a few  female members on the forum and hope to attract more. They will not be subjected to sexual innuendo as a part of their membership. Be warned, there is zero tolerance regarding this particular rule.

6. We do not discriminate in regards to religion, race, creed, gender, sexual preference, or national origin, nor will we tolerate this at any time. Racial, ethnic, or religious slurs appearing in posts will be removed.

7. Multiple or repeated posting in order to increase your post count is not allowed. The posting of meaningless threads, one word (or short) nonsense posts is not allowed and these types of post will be deleted.

8. Spamming is not allowed and will result in having your account removed. This includes using the forum Private Message system to spam other members privately. Any member receiving this type of PM or email, should immediately notify forum staff.

9. Discussions of certain subjects (politics, religion, abortion, sexual orientation, etc) often degenerate quickly. For this reason, any of these topics that get out of hand will be locked and or deleted immediately.

10. While we have no problem with you mentioning another forum or posting an occasional link to a particular thread in another forum, we do not allow bashing other boards/forums. Those violating this rule are subject to having all previous links removed from this forum.

11. Those using, or attempting to use, an anonymous proxy to either register or access this forum will be banned, without notice, warning or discussion.

While these rules cover most situations, we cannot anticipate everything. We reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way. Posts that are in violation to the above policies may be edited or deleted at our discretion. We're a privately owned site that is run by an all-volunteer staff of Administrators and/or Moderators. We shall make the final decision on what does or does not violate Delaware Concealed Carry Forum standards.

Guidelines and Forum Restrictions

Picture Posting

Members are allowed (and encouraged) to post pictures. Linked graphics will sometimes drastically slow down the loading of a thread/post. Please consider this when posting pictures. Threads with broken picture links will have the links removed as we come across them. Please don't repetitively post the same picture over and over again. Once really is enough. Any Picture deemed inappropriate will be removed


Avatars must not be in poor taste, period. Avatars that are found to be in poor taste will be removed.

See Classified rules for a complete list of rules. Member must have full member status in order to sell items in the Classified section. Full Member status is 50 or more post.

Links in Signatures

Site links or promotional text for a commercial product or service is not allowed. Signatures must be kept appropriate.

Topic Discussions

All topics and posts must be related to the topic of the post and should be placed in the appropriate forum. Posts that get off topic may  be split and moved into a new topic or deleted. There is no appropriate place for off color jokes on this website.


The First Amendment is greatly respected here, as are all other Amendments that the Second Amendment defends. We are, however, a privately owned website and, your freedom of speech does not grant you a right to post anything you may wish to say on this forum. These rules are a contract you agree to when you become a member of this forum and members are expected to follow them. Those who violate these rules cannot complain about being censored. If you do not like our rules or feel you cannot follow them, please seek out a new forum to frequent.

If you feel you can follow these rules, we hope that you join us on Delaware Concealed Carry Forums. We invite you to share your experiences and enjoy your time here.

Thank you,
The Delaware Concealed Carry Staff
" An armed society is a polite society"
I not sick, I'm twisted. Sick makes it sound like there's a cure.