Author Topic: Zimmerman Trial: Tired of media bias? See gun-friendly legal coverage  (Read 76101 times)

Law of Self Defense

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Hey folks,

I just wanted to drop a note to let you know I'm covering the George Zimmerman trial down in Florida for one of the internet's largest legal blogs, Legal Insurrection.

Some of you may know me as a lawyer with a practice specializing in the law of self defense, others as that guy who shoots the IDPA matches wearing a suit jacket along with his cargo pants. 

In any case, if you're tired of the incredibly biased mainstream media coverage (or should I call it mis-coverage) of the Zimmerman case, consider taking a look at my coverage of the trial and analysis of the legal issues, all from the perspective of a gun guy who has CCW'd every day of his adult life.

It is, of course, all entirely free, and Legal Insurrection doesn't sell anything.

Past coverage (up through last night's daily wrap-up post) can be found here:

Today's live coverage will be added to that list when Court goes into session at 9AM.

Thanks for your consideration!

Andrew F. Branca, Attorney at Law (MA)
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Good to know.

IMHO, Zimmerman had no business following that kid as an armed civilian. Regardless of what happened in the end, he sought out, provoked and prolonged a confrontation -- knowing that violence could result from his actions -- and I have no problem charging him with Murder 2.

We all carry up here. We don't follow people around and confront them, because we're carrying. Zimmerman wanted to shoot someone, and he got his wish.
"She's petite, extremely beautiful, and heavily armed."
--Sheriff Bud Boomer, Canadian Bacon

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This is an opinion one might have, if one only watches MSNBC, CNN, or NBC. Biased liberal reporting is all you will see there. The 911 tapes tells us Zimmerman was following Martin, but returned to his van, when told to do so by the 911 operator. As a community watch person, and being suspicious of Martin's intentions, it was natural for him to keep an eye on Martin. Unless you are clarivoyant, you can not pre- judge Zimmerman. Until the truth comes out in this trial, if it does, only the jury can pass judgement, not us!


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This is an opinion one might have, if one only watches MSNBC, CNN, or NBC. Biased liberal reporting is all you will see there. The 911 tapes tells us Zimmerman was following Martin, but returned to his van, when told to do so by the 911 operator. As a community watch person, and being suspicious of Martin's intentions, it was natural for him to keep an eye on Martin. Unless you are clarivoyant, you can not pre- judge Zimmerman. Until the truth comes out in this trial, if it does, only the jury can pass judgement, not us!

I don't watch any of those channels (nor Fox "News," or any other TV news except the local weather).
As armed civilians, it is our duty to stay out of trouble.
Zimmerman went looking for trouble, and found it.
"She's petite, extremely beautiful, and heavily armed."
--Sheriff Bud Boomer, Canadian Bacon

Law of Self Defense

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Regardless of what happened in the end, he sought out, provoked and prolonged a confrontation.

Well, in that case, you might not enjoy my coverage of the trial.  We're all entitled to an opinion, of course. 

In covering the trial, however, I stick to fact with some evidentiary basis.  No imaginary facts included. :-)

I can't recall the last time I heard about someone who "sought out, provoked and prolonged a confrontation" who called the police for assistance beforehand and throughout.  (That call would be an example of a "fact".)

« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 02:23:55 PM by Law of Self Defense »
Andrew F. Branca, Attorney at Law (MA)
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I have been watching this circus from the beginning. The fix is in, Zimmerman is the victim of a modern day politically correct lynching. The New Black Panther party offering a wanted dead or alive bounty on Zimmerman, Sharpton holding a "civil rights" rally then stepping off the platform and right on to the stage of his MSNBC show reporting on his own rally, Obama saying if he had a son he would look like Trayvon, prosecutor misconduct, withholding evidence, their main witness caught lying on her deposition, evidence on Martin's phone of his leading a thug lifestyle not allowed, his THC level not allowed to be mentioned, NBC caught editing the 911 call, the media declaring Zimmerman guilty because the grainy photos from the police station that night did not appear to show injuries (they were pretty much silent when the better high def pictures clearly showed his injuries) the list goes on and on.  There is a ton of reasonable doubt that the judge is doing her best to not allow to be heard. They are going to hand his head over to the race hustlers on a platter as if they were offering up a sacrifice in the name of white guilt.  If Zimmerman's lawyers pull off a miracle and he is found not guilty then I suspect that the reactions spurred on by these race hustlers will make the Rodney King riots look tame.

So.....I guess you now how I feel about this.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 10:44:23 AM by Hawkeye »

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keep up the good work
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Law of Self Defense

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keep up the good work

Sure thing, thanks for the interest.

FYI, my summary of yesterday's Zimmerman trial jury selection can be found here:

Some interesting characters among those prospective jurors, including a woman with a one-winged pet crow, an African-American who refers to O'Reilly and Hannity as "Bill" and "Shaun", and a young woman who gets all here news information--ALL of it--from Facebook, and who wants to make sure sitting on the jury won't interfere with her planned summer trip to Dubai. 

My live, all-day coverage of today's (Day 3) Zimmerman jury selection can be found here:

Andrew F. Branca, Attorney at Law (MA)
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OGG seems to have Zimmerman already convicted of Murder 2 and there hasn't been a trial. For someone that supposedly is a defender of the 2nd Amendment, you don'y seem to follow the other Constitutional rights of being innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, by a jury of your peers, after hearing all evidence presented. Walk a mile in Zimmermans shoes.

I reserve the right to not be perfect.


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OGG seems to have Zimmerman already convicted of Murder 2 and there hasn't been a trial. For someone that supposedly is a defender of the 2nd Amendment, you don'y seem to follow the other Constitutional rights of being innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, by a jury of your peers, after hearing all evidence presented. Walk a mile in Zimmermans shoes.

If I did walk a mile in anyone's shoes, it wouldn't be following a stranger in the dark... that's all I'm saying.
"She's petite, extremely beautiful, and heavily armed."
--Sheriff Bud Boomer, Canadian Bacon

Law of Self Defense

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Re: Zimmerman Trial: Tired of media bias? See gun-friendly legal coverage
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2013, 03:54:06 PM »
If I did walk a mile in anyone's shoes, it wouldn't be following a stranger in the dark... that's all I'm saying.

Speaking of walking in someone's shoes:  "A lie will go round the world while truth is pulling its boots on."--Mark Twain

Seems you're flying around the world at speed, oldgraygeek.  There was no "following," except that Martin closed with and attacked Zimmerman.  But if you didn't get that the first 100 times, I doubt you ever will.   Have fun riding your fantasy train, but I think I'll get off here.

Andrew F. Branca, Attorney at Law (MA)
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Re: Zimmerman Trial: Tired of media bias? See gun-friendly legal coverage
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2013, 04:28:15 PM »
Try reading these comments from the side.  oldgraygeek’s conclusion was “-- and I have no problem charging him with Murder 2.”  He clearly wants a trial to proceed.  We all have a stake in the outcome.

The message is clearly that an armed man may have used different judgment because of the deadly potential he controlled.
Proud resident of Kent County DE

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Re: Zimmerman Trial: Tired of media bias? See gun-friendly legal coverage
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2013, 07:10:27 PM »
May be, but it sounded to me as though he had Zimmerman convicted before the trial. Just like the left-wing media and press.

Law of Self Defense

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Re: Zimmerman Trial: Tired of media bias? See gun-friendly legal coverage
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2013, 07:17:29 PM »
“-- and I have no problem charging him with Murder 2.” 

Anybody who has "no problem charging him with Murder 2" is either simply a bitterly partisan against Zimmerman or ignorant of both what Murder 2 requires and the evidence of the case. 

Murder 2 requires that Zimmerman have acted with a "depraved mind".  There is nothing, not one shred of evidence, that he did so. 

Whatever poor judgment anyone might feel Zimmerman used in exiting his vehicle to maintain observation of Martin while talking police int to the scene, there's nothing that even vaguely suggests the "depraved mind" required for Murder 2.

Anyone interested in a detailed and definitive explanation for why this is so, and what constitutes a "depraved mind" under Florida law, can feel free to take a look at my lengthy blog post on the subject, here:

If that doesn't convince you that the murder 2 charge is nothing more than a despicable case of over-charging by the State, nothing will.

Andrew F. Branca, Attorney at Law (MA)
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Re: Zimmerman Trial: Tired of media bias? See gun-friendly legal coverage
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2013, 07:20:41 PM »
May be, but it sounded to me as though he had Zimmerman convicted before the trial. Just like the left-wing media and press.

Yeah, well I do care what you think, Frank, so I haven't convicted him of anything.

I'm entirely unconcerned with the opinions, legal or otherwise, of some newbie from Massachusetts trying to plug his self-published book.
"She's petite, extremely beautiful, and heavily armed."
--Sheriff Bud Boomer, Canadian Bacon