Flew up to Alaska via Denver and return. No problem with our two pistols.
Desk clerk just asked if unloaded. Said yes. Clerk asked to see. Open hard sided suitcase. Both pistols were already jacked open. Clerk noted this and had me sign a red tag that was put in suitcase.
Told to take to the TSA agent. He asked if unloaded, said yes, both unloaded. Asked if signed tag in bag. Answer Yes. Open case show tag. Did not look at guns. Took bag and put on cart. Picked up at bag claim in Anchorage. Did not retrieve luggage in Denver.
On return from Anchorage. Same deal. Picked up bags in Wilmington firearms still there.
Of course carrying in Alaska was non issue. No permit required. Open or concealed.
There is a quirk in law that if you interact with police you must tell them you are carrying if you conceal.
We did camp out near an avalanche closed road near Valdez. A policeman came out on routine patrol and just asked if we were ok and if we were going to camp there for the night. I told him i was armed and he said "that's fine". " have a nice evening". Did not ask to see my gun.