I've fired 1000's of rounds of 9mm Sellier and Bellot ammo and it is by far my favorite range ammo. Its clean burning and is loaded hotter then any other range ammo. Its clean burning leaving little mess in the gun afterwards. Their brass is easy to reload and the small compact boxes are fantastic. I haven't purchased any of the Herter's name but if its the same as the Sellier and Bellot I was buying I'd have no issues in bulk ordering it by the 1000. EDIT.. and the stuff has been 100% perfectly reliable! Never once in 1000s of rounds have I had any issues with the ammo.
Yes, it will be more snappy then Win and most other brands. This is a good thing since its closer to the hotter defensive rounds we carry. I often mix a few mags of the Sellier and Bellot 9mm and the Speer Gold Dots.
btw.. if anyone has shoots Sellier and Bellot or this Herter and doesn't reuse the packaging please let me know as I'll take the boxes for my reloads.