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Taliban Is Protecting Citizens

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Keep your enemy's close by making peace with them and letting them have the country back🤔😂 Trump not corrupt?! 😂 He was one of the MOST corrupt politicians... Joe is corrupt and has dementia. Our entire government is broken.... Really need a 3rd viable party...

Trump and Biden both deserve some credit for doing what the majority of Americans wanted. But this was so horribly botched by the military and those responsible for planning our exit strategy. They never really believed either president would follow through and I think they still believe if things go badly enough we'd have to go back in to fix it.

But back to the topic. It's pretty damning that the same government abandoning billions in military equipment and weaponry for the Taliban is also wants to take semi automatic rifles from law abiding Americans.

Please leave the amoured  personnel carrier and box of M4s in the driveway... Thanks! 😂 If it's good enough for the Taliban then how about us American Citizens 👏

Just Bill:
600K weapons and 3 million rnds of ammo, plus all the technology.  Com equipment, APC's, Blackhawk's, etc.  What a major BLUNDER!!!!

Afghanistan went from no Air Force to the 5th largest Air Force in the world in less that 24 hours, thanks to genius Hiding Joe "Bozo" Biden. Tell Scranton , PA. they can claim him, cause we in Delaware sure have had a butt full of him.


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