Author Topic: Need help to head in the right direction  (Read 4857 times)


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Need help to head in the right direction
« on: June 24, 2011, 09:47:53 AM »
Ok, so I finally get a letter in the mail yesterday, and it was from the AG saying that
my Application is opposed because of "criminal history" It then said that the application
was returned to the court. My question is What does that mean exactly?
Is that the end of the line for me? Will i get another letter saying it is opposed?
How Do I go about appeal it? I mean It was from a DUI over 6 years ago. No issues since then
I quit drinking, I noted that in my application as well. And its funny how it is just denied yet not
one of my references were contacted. If they are worried about me drinking and driving.
They had a whole list of people that can tell you I am not a drinker anymore.

Can anyone help me on what my next steps would be to get this turned around?


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Re: Need help to head in the right direction
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 10:18:49 AM »
Hi Animal,

Sorry you were denied.  If there is a phone number on the letter you received, call them.  Ask them specifically why you got denied. Also make sure that you are not somehow being confused with another person with the same name.  Someone there should be able to give you a good answer. 

Most likely your references werent contacted.  That's done after the criminal check. 

Your question regarding being "permanently" turned down....  ask them too. 

Sorry I can't be of much help, but hopefully you'll find some answers in the AG's office.

"Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." (James Madison, The Federalist Papers)

Southern Kent County Resident


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Re: Need help to head in the right direction
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2011, 12:04:34 PM »
Thank you Moosie. Hopefully I will get a chance to call today. Pretty darn busy at work....and wedding planning and house renovations. I feel mentally burned out. Lol


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Re: Need help to head in the right direction
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2011, 03:02:40 PM »
Ok, so I finally get a letter in the mail yesterday, and it was from the AG saying that
my Application is opposed because of "criminal history" It then said that the application
was returned to the court. My question is What does that mean exactly?
Is that the end of the line for me? Will i get another letter saying it is opposed?
How Do I go about appeal it? I mean It was from a DUI over 6 years ago. No issues since then
I quit drinking, I noted that in my application as well. And its funny how it is just denied yet not
one of my references were contacted. If they are worried about me drinking and driving.
They had a whole list of people that can tell you I am not a drinker anymore.

Can anyone help me on what my next steps would be to get this turned around?

*climbs up on soapbox*

Let me say I've debated on writing this several times.  In fact, twice now I've had posts all ready to fire off, and then decided against it.  For all I know I'll do the same this time since after all, it's really none of my business, and since I'm sure my views can be a bit jaded.  I recall many nights when I was 3 and 4 years old with my father swerving all over the road and my mother pleading with him to let her drive.

It's not the crime, or how long ago it was committed that is of question here, and likely not what the AG's office considered.  It's not that they are concerned you might drink and drive again...  It's your judgment they are questioning... Let me ask you a question... If someone committed ATTEMPTED murder 6 years ago, but hasn't shown any propensity for violence since, do you feel that the AG's office should recommend that they be allowed to carry a concealed weapon?

See, here's the thing... It's not the crime or how long ago that's considered... It's your judgment.  6 years ago you showed a serious lack of good judgment.  You did something that not only showed a lack of respect for your own life, but a lack of respect for the lives of others.  And I'm sure it wasn't ONE time that you made this decision.. You may have gotten caught once, but I'm guessing it was probably done many other times.

Yes, you can argue that someone attempting to commit murder isn't the same, but isn't it really?  No you weren't TRYING to kill someone, but each and every time you stepped in that car you KNEW it was a possibility.  

If I load up a revolver with a single round and start walking around spinning the cylinder and taking shots at random people, it's STILL a bad judgment call that endangers the well being of others.  Sure the odds are stacked in their favor... They've got a 5 out of 6 chance of walking off scott free... Even if it DOES go off, I'm aiming for their leg, so it's not like it's gonna kill them... What are the odds of hitting an artery or something like that?  Just because the odds aren't likely, doesn't mean it's still not a bad decision.  

And at the end of the day, that, in my opinion is exactly what this is all about.  You made a bad decision.  

I think it's fantastic that you've quit drinking... I'm sure you've turned your life around in ways you may have never thought possible.  Still the fact remains that just because the guy who attempted murder 6 years ago has done his time, and completely turned his life around, doesn't mean we should hand him a weapon and wish him the best.

I realize most here probably won't agree with me, and I'm sure you (the OP) won't be my biggest fan after this, but what good is a forum if everyone agrees...
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 03:13:21 PM by rusirius »


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Re: Need help to head in the right direction
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2011, 03:29:00 PM »
*climbs off soapbox*

Now, with all that said... I'm sure you regret what you did... The fact that you stopped drinking certainly seems to point to that conclusion.  People can and do change...  The problem you're faced with now, is that not everyone does...

In other words, now you have to convince the world (or well, at least a judge) that you have in fact changed, that you do realize how brilliant you were in the past, that you do know how bad your judgment was, and that now you are much clearer thinking...

As far as I know, you should be getting a letter from the court explaining that you've been denied and that you have the option to appeal the decision... Do so... And you'll have to go before the judge...

It's him you'll have to convince... Show him the person you've become and how you've learned from your mistakes...

If you convince him, then you should have no problem getting him to sign off on it...  


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Re: Need help to head in the right direction
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2011, 08:03:42 PM »
You made very good points. Yeah I have done brilliant things,bad judgements then.
but I have learned from them. I hope the judge will see that and hear me out. I was young and at a bad time in my life. I just hope that my past history doesn't keep me and my family
from protecting mysellf and them.

So the. Letter I got was sent from the d.o.j. sent to the prothonary. I. Should receive a letter from the court with the info I will need to appeal?


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Re: Need help to head in the right direction
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2011, 08:16:50 PM »
You made very good points. Yeah I have done brilliant things,bad judgements then.
but I have learned from them. I hope the judge will see that and hear me out. I was young and at a bad time in my life. I just hope that my past history doesn't keep me and my family
from protecting mysellf and them.

So the. Letter I got was sent from the d.o.j. sent to the prothonary. I. Should receive a letter from the court with the info I will need to appeal?

Don't quote me on this, and I'm sure someone else can chime in who is more knowledgeable, but as I understand it, you should get a letter from the court (prothonotary) telling you that the app was denied, and it should have the information you need for filing an appeal.