Author Topic: generating database of self-defense stories  (Read 4155 times)


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generating database of self-defense stories
« on: January 10, 2013, 04:23:53 PM »
we all know the media only reports on sensational/politicized news stories--this sells papers.  what i propose is that as responsible gun owners we develop a database of stories where people defended themselves--with a gun--that we could use to help fight the fight that we have on our hands today???  It doesn't have to be reported in the news media--actually it probably won't because there is no sensationalism involved.  Know of anybody/incidents?  How can this be developed and used?  Is it feasible here in this forum?  Think of it, a huge base of stories where guns and people came together to save lives!


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Re: generating database of self-defense stories
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2013, 08:50:05 PM »
The NRA prints those stories every month in their magazines to members. So I'm sure they have quite a catalog of them. So I agree with you, we need an database of those stories. Maybe NRA can tabulate them and post a link on their website.

Another thing we need is a "Million Gun March" on Washington's national mall. Well, without the guns since its DC. I would attend!
New Castle County


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Re: generating database of self-defense stories
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2013, 11:54:40 PM »

While this might not quailfy for this thread it is simular in nature and did occur about a week ago to my wife and I but does make some points

My wife and I really were wild and crazy the other  nite . we watched a good movie till at least 1030 pm then went to bed.. at about 300 am she wakes me up ands says there are a bunch of young guys yelling and screaming and cursing, and fighting or pushing and shoving. pre fighting. in road in front of our house and a couple of cars there blocking road...Now I know this might seem a little long at this point but bear with me as there is a lesson here..I tell her keep lights off in house so we can see outside and they cant see inside. and to call 911.. she calls 911 and tells them whats going on and of course gets all the silly questions of who what when and etc before they really ask about situation. then say they will send some one out. well only about 5 to 6 minutes a patrol car arrives and then another. they quiet em all down .then the patrols leave. seems they must of had car trouble or something else... they had dumped the beer cans and bottles in to the shrubs when the patrols arrived..
the crowd stayed about an 1/2 hour and then all drive away.. now the lessons. Not for nuttin(jersey slang) and not knocking the cops remember I was one but I pointed out to my wife from the time she woke me up and decided to see what was going on till the cops arrived it was almost 10 minutes.. asked her how long it would take for a door busting entry to go from our door to our bedroom or our grand daughters rooms.. maybe a mere few seconds baring getting past dogs. and what was our defense besides the alarm system..
Best couple of things from the lesson is she said she knew that I would have my bedside gun ready during this thing.(no one made any menacing approach to house). I asked why she didn't have hers (shrugged). and not knocking response time which was actually pretty good now a days it isn't good enuff.. you have to take care of selves.. So since we were safe and no real problems all our preparations were tested or lack there of were proved..
Sussex county, NRA certified instructor -pistol-rifle- shotgun ,doj approved instructor


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Re: generating database of self-defense stories
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2013, 01:15:27 AM »
Before we bought this house, we lived in a decent townhouse apartment... decent enough, that is, except for the one neighbor next door who moved in after we did. He was noisy, antisocial, and had an endless stream of people visiting him for 5-10 minutes each. It didn't take a genius to figure out he was a drug dealer.
They didn't renew his lease, so we all knew he'd be leaving at the end of the month... and he threw a loud blowout party. On a weeknight. We didn't call 911 until we heard a loud thud like a body falling, and a girl screaming.

The cops had apparently been dying for a chance to walk through that apartment, so the entire shift showed up along with an ambulance. We sat in the dark and listened to the fun. It turned out that one of the male guests had fallen and cracked his scalp open in the bathroom right next to our adjoining wall, and the screams had been one of the hot young college girls in attendance. The girls all left before the last cops did. By about 3 AM, the fun was over... and it occurred to me that the neighbor and his friends might want to have a chat with me, since they must have known I had spoiled their party.

I told my wife that I couldn't sleep, and headed downstairs to "watch TV." I didn't want to worry her, so I was planning to retrieve one of the handguns from the drawer on my way out of the bedroom without her noticing. I was trying to decide whether to take my Ruger P97 .45, or her Taurus eight-shot .357 Magnum revolver, and was about to silently open the drawer when I heard her voice in the darkness:

"The revolver would be better."

I replied, "Will you marry me?"
She answered, "I already did, dear."

And she did, twelve years ago tonight.
"She's petite, extremely beautiful, and heavily armed."
--Sheriff Bud Boomer, Canadian Bacon


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Re: generating database of self-defense stories
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2013, 01:37:20 AM »
Happy Anniversary OldGray!!
New Castle County


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Re: generating database of self-defense stories
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2013, 08:36:52 AM »
    sorry  withholding on you guys.
Just trying to survive in the second Great Deprssion.


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Sussex county, NRA certified instructor -pistol-rifle- shotgun ,doj approved instructor