Author Topic: Why don't you guys make a Delaware county CCW map?  (Read 4245 times)


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Why don't you guys make a Delaware county CCW map?
« on: June 13, 2017, 07:49:51 PM »
In CA, another county has switched to more readily issuing CCWs: San Luis Obispo (the yellow county in SoCal). In the next version of the map (due out in July), SLO will be light green.

The map comes in handy to show that CA is not a lost cause, that the entire state is not anti-gun, and that you can get a CA CCW depending upon where you live. This helps people who are about to move to CA (or within CA) because by merely moving to one county vs another (e.g., commuting west into Contra Costa from San Joaquin versus north into Contra Costa from Alameda), might be the difference between easily getting a CCW and not being able to get one.

That made me wonder if you someone made a CCW map for DE. Since a copy of our CA map is posted on our CA Gun Laws Wiki page (, I looked to see if there's one on your DE Gun Laws Wiki page and see there isn't (

DE should be easy to make a map since you have only 3 counties (vs 58 for CA). A map would be worthwhile for DE since, IIRC, like in CA most counties issue (2 for DE), but some are highly restrictive (1 for DE).

I encourage you folks to make a DE County CCW "Good Cause" map (or whatever term your law uses to require you to justify being issued a DE CCW). It will help guide law-abiding people moving to or within DE.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2017, 08:42:38 PM by Paladin4CA »
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Re: Why don't you guys make a Delaware county CCW map?
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2017, 09:24:44 AM »
Don't see much need as all 3 counties issue permits to anyone meeting the criteria.
Giving a reason for applying,"For defense of self, family, home and State, and for hunting and recreational use.” as stated in the DE constitution, seems to do the trick. No (real)sheriff to deal with here; you apply to the superior court.
The map would be all the same color.
DE ccdw
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Re: Why don't you guys make a Delaware county CCW map?
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2017, 06:35:05 PM »
Don't see much need as all 3 counties issue permits to anyone meeting the criteria.
Giving a reason for applying,"For defense of self, family, home and State, and for hunting and recreational use.” as stated in the DE constitution, seems to do the trick. No (real)sheriff to deal with here; you apply to the superior court.
The map would be all the same color.
Wow! That's great!

But if all you have to do is write those magic words, doesn't that make DE practically "Shall Issue"? What discretion does the issuing authority have if you can legally buy/own a handgun and quote that part of your state constitution back to them?

FWIW I don't get over here ( too often, but I thought one of your counties wasn't issuing CCWs as readily as the others. I think it was your county with the greatest population (New Castle?). IOW, I thought DE was like the situation here in CA where most of the major urban counties (think SFBA, LA and SD), don't issue often whereas the less densely populated counties do.

ETA: I just went over to:
and see that there is an update:

UPDATED 14 Feb 2017

Also, for the reason you want a CCDW, "For protection of self, family, and property" is being accepted.  (FYI, when I did mine, I listed about 8 reasons.  Some day time, some night.  RADNOR)

Maybe things have improved since I last looked into your counties issuance practice. Congrats!

Looks like all you guys need to do now is an outreach (thru shooting clubs (PPC, IPSC/USPDA, IDPA, etc), shooting ranges, local gun stores, etc), to increase the number of DE CCWers. As John Lott, PhD, points out in this article, increasing #s of CCWers increases the number of 2nd A rights activists which slowly but consistently rolls back the number of anti RKBA laws/ordinances.

The effort in Lansing to ease restrictions on carrying concealed weapons would mark a major change in state gun laws and be the latest in a string of victories for gun-rights advocates in Michigan in recent years.

 Last week, the Michigan House approved a series of controversial bills that would allow lawful gun owners to carry concealed weapons without a permit or state-mandated training.

Since 2001, the state has:

    Expanded access to concealed weapon permits
    Passed a law allowing Michigan gun owners to "stand your ground"
    Streamlined pistol purchases by allowing gun dealers to use instant computer background checks
    Eliminated county gun boards, which had decided who received a carry permit
    Barred local governments from passing gun ordinances

The trend goes well beyond Michigan, said John Lott Jr., a gun-rights advocate who runs the Crime Prevention Research Center, a nonprofit research center that studies guns and crime.

"That's the same type of thing you've seen in state after state," Lott said. "Generally, what you've seen is a gradual liberalization of gun laws."

Lott said the liberalization typically happens in stages beginning with the right to carry a weapon, the reduction or elimination of gun-free zones, broader access to concealed weapon permits and eventually the elimination of licensing and training requirements.

If true, the sooner you guys increase the # of DE CCWers, the sooner DE gunnies will reap those other benefits too!

ETA2: More evidence increasing the # of DE CCWers will improve gun rights in DE: not a single state since 1986 has gone from less restrictive carry rights to more restrictive (e.g., from May Issue to No Issue; from Shall Issue to either May Issue or No Issue; from Unrestricted to Shall Issue, May Issue or No Issue). Other than CO after Sandy Hook, not a single major anti RKBA law has been passed in a state after it went Shall Issue, and 3 of the 4 lawmakers behind those bills were either recalled or lost reelection (I can't remember which), and the 4th one saw the writing on the wall and did not run again.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2017, 06:56:39 PM by Paladin4CA »
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